Friday, July 29, 2011

Worthy Cause

I have discovered through MetalsmithsUnite! 2.0, which is a jeweler's group I belong to on facebook, that there is a program called Made By Survivors. This program's aim is to help women and children who are victims of sex trafficking, learn a trade. This is also a place where they may begin to heal and no longer just survive but thrive. Here is a link to a wonderful post made by Dianna at the request of MetalsmithsUnite!   I hope you take the time to read.

The director, Dianna Badalament is now conducting her Third Jewelry Tool Drive. She has published a list of the needed tools which you can access here I plan to do my part to help by donating some tools from her list, it's the LEAST I can do.

1 comment:

Lorena Angulo said...

ohhh, I totally missed this information.
Thanks for sharing !